Travel Home - Buffalo Valley Ranch
Travel Home - Buffalo Valley Ranch
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Buffalo Valley Ranch is an affordable ranch offering Basic Dry Cabins, Wagons which sleep six, and Tipis which sleep four.  The bathrooms are locker room styles with available three private bathrooms.  The Buffalo Valley Cafe is open for all meals.  Weather is not an Act of God and accommodations are not cancellable as weather is the responsibility of the guest.  Please remember a tipi is a tent.


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We offer all the Wild West and Yellowstone Activities.  Horseback Riding, Scenic Float Trips, Cookout Chuck Wagon Horse and Wagon Rides for all ages, Fly Fishing, Snowmobiling, and Dogsledding.




Grand Teton Float Trips

Enjoy a relaxing float trip in Grand Teton National Park starting at the Upper Snake River and floating slowly down the river through wildlife such as Buffalo, Elk, Bears, Eagles, and Wolves.

Horseback Riding

Experience a trail ride for beginners to experts on real Wild West horses used in the Wilderness of the Bridger Teton National Forest with vistas of the beautiful Grand Teton Mountains.

Guided Fly-Fishing

Kick back and relax while you wade through the Buffalo Fork River in Bridger Teton National Park right from your gateway Yellowstone Lodging.  Our guides know where the Trout live and love their jobs.  Let them teach you the secrets.

“An Elk Hunt at Two Ocean Pass” – Teddy Roosevelt

Teddy Roosevelt’s favorite hunting camp, Two Ocean Pass is available each year for a very special limited hunt elk hunt and thus is our most exclusive and second difficult activity.  “The mere fair-weather hunter, who trusts entirely to the exertions of others, and does nothing more than ride or walk about under favorable circumstances, and shoot at what somebody else shows him, is a hunter in name only.” Teddy Roosevelt

Two Ocean Pass

Pack Trips

Imagine traveling by horse and mule to Two Ocean Pass where the parting of the waters splits into the tributaries of the rivers that feed the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.  Travel into the Wilderness to lands that are rare, wild places where one can retreat from civilization, reconnect with the Earth, and find healing, meaning and significance.  One of the greatest pleasures of life is viewing the splendor of the Milky Way in a vast island of the natural wilderness.

Guided Hunting and Fly-Fishing

Fly fish with our experienced guides where mountain man Jim Bridger told of the tale of the “Two Ocean Pass,” a place on the headwaters of the Yellowstone where creeks crossed the Continental Divide and in 1891 the U.S. Fish Commission finally found.  Stand on the bank of either fork of the Atlantic Creek, just above the “place or the patron of the waters” and watch the stream pursue its rapid but dangerous and uncertain course of the “Great Continental Divide”.  This is the best fly-fishing in the world.

Wrangling of the Heart Six Horses at the Buffalo Valley Cafe

The Buffalo Valley Ranch is home to the Wrangling of the Heart Six Ranch herd of horses during the summer months.  On most summer day around 7 a.m. and again in the late afternoon the ground will begin to shake and the dust will begin to build as the 100 plus horses of the Heart Six herd stampede their way down the Buffalo Valley Road and off to the 1000 acres encircled by over 7 miles of fence home to the oldest herd in Jackson Hole Wyoming.  So grab the family and head to the Buffalo Valley Cafe early for a huckleberry milkshake or a craft beer on screened in porch and enjoy the best view of this amazing show.

Bronze Boot Bar at Heart Six Ranch

The Heart Six Ranch is home to the Bronze Boot Bar which was salvaged from the Demaris Hotel in Cody, Wyoming.  The bar is over 100 years old and has hosted famous celebrities as Roy Rogers and John Wayne and Presidents including Harry Truman.  Come join us for dinner at the Heart Six Ranch and a drink at this world famous bar.

Buffalo Valley Cafe – Where the Cowboys go to eat!

The Buffalo Valley Cafe is famous in these parts for the authentic food which is best judged by the number of “Wyoming Cowboys” you can catch grabbing a meal in the early mornings.  Since 1906 between 7 and 8 a.m. on most summer mornings you can catch the wranglers of Heart Six Ranch driving over 100 horses across the front porch of this world famous cowboy cafe.